Discover the 3H:health,happiness,healing

” You are a living magnet. What you attract in your life is in harmony with your dominant thoughts ” Brian Tracy
” Your thoughts are incredibly powerful.Choose them wisely” Dr Joe Dispenza

I have found such a sense of fulfilment in my own life. I enjoy writing about my passions, what interests me, what interest other people, and sharing it with the world. With each passing day, I have realised that writing about thoughts, beliefs, trust for life has added value to my life and hoping to bring about a ray of hope, change , a reason for happiness for someone who reads them. For me, it’s a way for moving forward in life.

Welcome to The 3 H : Health, Happiness, Healing, an unique blog here for you to explore. Healthcare, wellness are ever evolving fields. The expanding knowledge in health care industries and research fields are fast changing. The approach now is more humanly, compassionate road. The physical and mental state is more to do with the state of beingness.

Though writing is a tricky business, but for me, moving ideas with a knowledge base is interesting and challenging and sometimes, even an emotional outlet .

So, read on, and enjoy.

Nature is the faithful healer of the soul. So spend time in nature as much as you can.

Peace and blessings πŸ™

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8 facts about Heat/Sun stroke🌞

3.The symptoms appear when the body’s temperature rises to 104F or 40 degrees C suddenly. There will be extreme sweating, loss of consciousness, redness in the skin, fainting, headache, dizziness, high blood pressure, nausea, vomiting and muscle cramps. In some cases, there are seizures, muscle twitching, and hyperventilation. Sometimes, cases of heat stroke can be … Continue reading 8 facts about Heat/Sun stroke🌞

5 differences to know between Yoghurt and curd πŸ™Œ

Hello everyone βœ‹ 1.Though both are dairy products, widely used and might taste and look similar, but yet yoghurt and curd have clear differences. Many people even mistake curd for the Western name of yoghurt. The first basic difference is the method of preparation. Curd is prepared by milk fermentation from Lactic Acid bacteria. The … Continue reading 5 differences to know between Yoghurt and curd πŸ™Œ

10 interesting facts about creatine πŸ™Œ

Hello everyone! 1.Creatine is a natural chemical found in the body, specially in the skeletal muscle. It is found in the form of creatine phosphate, around 95% in muscles cells and 5% in brain and testes. It’s main fuction is to provide energy for the muscles. Creatine helps to increase the reservoir of adenosine triphosphate … Continue reading 10 interesting facts about creatine πŸ™Œ

10 facts to understand why glutathione is necessary πŸ™Œ

Hello everyone βœ‹ 1.Glutathione is a naturally found antioxidant in our body. It is important to know about this powerful antioxidant because it has a host of many benefits. Its primary function is to fight free radical that damages body cells. It’s vital for the body because it helps to protect from many diseases like … Continue reading 10 facts to understand why glutathione is necessary πŸ™Œ

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